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San José, Costa Rica. March, 2015.
There are many reasons why a new-born baby may cry. In addition, there are different types of crying so that the parents, little by little, can learn to see the differences and not become desperate, or act when they should really be concerned.
According to Maria Solano, head of maternity of the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, “it is important to remember that that the crying of a new-born baby is the only means of communication with the parents, therefore, learn to identify each type in order to help the little one according to his/her need.”
Babies may cry for different reasons such as:
If even after checking on him/her, changing him/her and feeding him/her, the new-born baby continues with an anguished crying, one would have to think if he/she may have some pain and check to see if he/she has fever. Thus, the importance of knowing how to take his/her temperature or having a special thermometer to know if the baby has a high temperature (over 39 degrees), since that is one of the first things that the pediatrician is going to ask if you call him/her.
“It is important to emphasize that in order to take the temperature one must uncover the baby first, since the excess of blankets may generate false data,” commented the person in charge of maternity.
Many times with only uncovering the baby or taking away some clothes, the baby will feel better. One must remember to not cover him/her a lot. You should put on no more than three garments, or he/she may fell anxious. In addition, the excess of clothing is related with sudden infant death in newborn babies.
If after following all these recommendations, the baby continues crying, it is better to visit the pediatrician to be assessed, since the baby could have some type of infection or so that the physician may recommend tests and discard any illness.
For further information or for requesting medical attention, please call the number 2522-1000, or write to the email or contact us via chat at the website: