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San José, Costa Rica. January, 2016.
After the main meals, wait two hours before exercising, playing informal football or swimming. It is very important to chew well and slowly and even more if you are going to practice a sport. Another recommendation is to eat food without fatty dressings.
According to Mauricio Quesada Carvajal, nutritionist of the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, “the digestion process is the one that contributes to the body converting the foods into smaller chemical units such as for example, amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates to be used in the body as a source of energy, protection or repair of tissues.”
When we perform physical activity, the body suffers wear of muscles, dehydration, loss of energy and balanced foods or foods combined adequately supply the nutritional liquids and substances to compensate the losses that occur when exercising.
Poor digestion of food can cause diseases such as constipation, hemorrhoids, heartburn, gastric ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding and gastric cancer, so it is necessary to maintain a balanced and healthy diet.
“If we perform physical activity right after eating, the energy that was available to perform the digestion is directed to the muscles and the expenditure of the physical activity, paralyzing digestion and other important organs such as the heart for example, due to lack of energy and oxygen,” said the nutritionist.
On the contrary, if you practice physical activity without eating, sugar may descend in the blood and with this, the level of energy with symptoms such as tiredness, blurry vision, cold sweat, accelerated heartbeats and fainting.
In order to obtain further information or to request an appointment in any of the medical specialties with the best doctors of Costa Rica, please contact the private hospital Hospital Clínica Bíblica at telephone number 2522-1000, at email or vía chat on the website