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San José, Costa Rica. January, 2016.
Lumbago is the lower back pain caused by disorders related with lower back vertebrae and soft tissue structures, such as ligaments, muscles, nerves and inter-vertebrate disks.
The main cause of lower back pain is physical over-exertion and bad postures. The lower back pain may originate from the inflammation of inter-vertebrate disks and generate pain in a specific area.
According to Dr. Fanny Rojas Robles, of biological medicine of the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, “it is important to perform a diagnosis for discarding cancer, because many tumors may send cancerous cells to the spine bones and cause pain due to the damage to the vertebra. It is also important to discard osteoporosis.”
As well, there can be pain due to radicular compression. In this case, the vertebra compresses the nerve exit and causes pain that may irradiate to the legs. Another cause of pain may be a muscular contraction, as well as the inflammation of the sacroiliac joint.
The conventional treatment is surgery. This is so in the case where the patient shows strong symptoms. However, in minor cases, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants may help with the pain.
Clinical case treated at biological medicine with supplementary therapies
Male patient, 42-years-old, healthy and slightly overweight, began suffering some discomfort in the lower back region after a physical exertion. The exam revealed muscular spasms in the right hand side of the lower back region that irradiated to the leg and caused pain when walking.
He had a MRI and it was observed that he had two lower back disk hernias. He was prescribed pain relievers and muscle relaxants, but the pain did not respond.
After two months of treatment, two infiltrations were performed in the OR. However, the pain continued
He began to be treated with neural therapy with procaine shots in the affected areas and homeopathy. After the first session of neural therapy, the patient began to feel better and was able to walk. After several infiltrations, the pain went away completely and he now walks normally, without any discomfort.
Dra. Fanny Rojas Dobles, biological medicine, Clínica Bíblica.
To obtain further information, or to request an appoinment in any of the medical specialties with the best doctors of Costa Rica, you may contact the private Hospital Clínica Bíblica at telephone number 2522-1000, at email or vía chat on the website